No one likes to go to the dentist, but there might be times or situations, when you have, to enhance your smile. We all know that a smile has the power to create that “first best” impression that you need when you see or meet others. It boosts your self-esteem.
Speaking of a good smile, cosmetic dental treatments have gained a lot of popularity in recent years, making more people flock around their local cosmetic dentists to enhance their smile.
Choosing the right professional makes a huge difference and gives you an assurance that whoever is handling it is qualified. Going to an unprofessional cosmetic dentist results in embarrassment, pain, or trauma to your mouth and teeth. When it comes to your oral health, the stakes are really high and that’s why you will want to get it 100% correct the first time.
If you’re looking for a good cosmetic dentist in Castle Hill or probably any place for that matter, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind so that you accomplish the results that you desire.
So read on to note these tips.

1. Check the Educational and Training Background
To find out if a cosmetic dentist in Castle Hill is good or not (or probably, anywhere in your location), the first thing you need to look for is their educational and training background. Since it’s cosmetic dentistry, the dentist’s expertise and training matters a lot.
Usually, a dentist who has gone through stringent standard procedures is the one who’s accredited by the AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry).
Besides AACD, there are a few other accreditation boards like the World Clinical Laser Institute which ensures certification for any practicing dentists. So this means that your ideal cosmetic dentist must be trained properly.
2. Look for their past work and check on referrals
When you choose a good cosmetic dentist, make sure to dive into the scope of their services by just checking at the cosmetic dentist’s portfolio.
If there are any referrals, then it’s even great. Typically, dentists use before and after pictures to show their best work. Therefore, be intentional when you comb their galleries for any examples.
Say, for example, if you know what type of dental treatment you would want for yourself, pay more attention to cases that’s similar to yours. For some reasons, if the dentist does not have any gallery that lists examples of his past work on their site, request for a few. There’s nothing wrong in it.
Also, be aware of heavily photoshopped pictures or stock photography. Ask for some genuine referrals and talk to individuals you know that have undergone cosmetic dentistry.
One of the best ways to find a good cosmetic dentist is through personal referrals from your family and friends. Check them on social media and read through a few online reviews.
3. Type of procedures being offered
Cosmetic dentistry boasts a wide range of procedures and if the dentist has immense experience and training on it, he or she should be able to offer a broad range of procedures to meet the different needs of the people.
A few popular cosmetic treatments include laser gum contouring, cosmetic bonding, teeth whitening, white restoration filling, and orthodontics. So pay attention to what your cosmetic dentist is offering and his experience in handling various cases so that you can be sure of being treated from the right person and further, ensuring that you have a wonderful smile.
4. Check the payment options
When it comes to cosmetic treatments, be it skin or dentistry, they aren’t included in most dental insurance plans. But a good dentist should be able to work out some affordable financing plans for you.
This means that things become easier for you to accomplish your smile without putting excess pressure on your pockets.
5. Look for second opinions
Don’t just stick to one dentist that you come across. Watch out for other cosmetic dentists too. A good dentist often encourages his or her patients to seek a second opinion before selecting a cosmetic plan. This helps you in making an informed decision.
6. Ability to give you a preview of your smile
A good dentist must be able to show you exactly how your smile will look like after the cosmetic treatment. Wondering how? Well, with the help of technology. In fact, it’s so advanced right now that this is easy but the question is does the dentist office have all those cosmetic imaging equipment to get the job done.
Not only this gives you an idea of how professional their services are but also goes a long way in making you a proper decision on what treatment plans to choose.
7. Know the service better through an initial consultation
A consultation can unveil or reveal a lot about the cosmetic dentist that you are going to choose. Observe the way he or she talks to you, as this gives a sense of how serious he or she is in his or her job.
Is the dentist just taking a couple of minutes and explaining the cosmetic plans? Then take a back step. He or she should take adequate time in understanding your problem first and then discussing in depth of the solutions you can go with.
If possible, he/she should show some educational videos in order to help you in comprehending the expected results of different treatment options. Also, you should feel at ease during the consultation, as this is also a sign of how good the dentist is.
On the other hand, if you aren’t comfortable or at any point, you feel that you’re being pressured at the time of consultation, it’s a sign to meet the next right dentist.