People in the recovery process can remember those dark days in addiction. They remember endless pleading with God, impassioned prayers, fervent Bible reading, and seeking help from leaders and pastors. If you are still a practicing addict, you know the routine. You know the sessions for spiritual assessment and counsel and follow-up to those sessions.
God may seem to be silent to the addict. Thus, an addict who has beseeched and offered prayers may think in curiosity about how and will the Divine Power help him with his endeavors against the recovering process of addiction. God is in heaven, and we are right here on the ground. It might be a bit tough to see that God can aid human beings to cease their addiction. It may appear to be a tad tough at times. Also, one may think that if and when God can help, why is He not helping right now.
Others may believe God has the power, but not the desire. We wonder, “Does the Lord accept addicts?” Or does He turn the addict away, frustrated with the endless slipping and sinning? Is God tired of us and our endless struggle (and failure) to get on the straight and narrow?
There is no doubt that God helps us all addicts.

And you will find, if you ask the members of a local AA group or the newly sober residents at drug and rehab centers, the answer will be overwhelmingly positive. Indeed, it is only God who has all the power, strength, and capacity to save people from all types of addiction and other health concerns. But then why doesn’t He? Certainly, we may see that He is doing it in the lives of others.
What about those of us who still struggle? Why has God not chosen to unleash His restorative power in our lives? There is no easy answer to this. God’s wisdom is infinite, and His timeline is not always clear. But we do know that God helps those who desire His help and who humble themselves to admit their powerlessness. Many addicts who have felt only God’s distance may admit that they were never really ready to admit defeat. Many were still trying to manage on their own while only sinking deeper into addiction. They had not hit bottom.
If you are still struggling with addiction and still feeling like God is elusive, keep in mind that the promises in the Bible are real to the core. They are as true for you as anyone else who has recovered. But there are steps we have to take. Should you need any help, there are online suboxone doctors who are there to help you out in your journey if you feel shy talking to a professional in person. Many of us have prayed, but we have been unwilling to admit powerlessness. We have not wanted to repent. But it is this humility and honesty that often opens the door to recovery. If and whenever you are willing to get help, you will be helped. If you are struggling with addiction and want to recover, there is help for you. God loves you and is ready to help lift this burden. For this purpose, a rehab center can be the place to start.